What You Will Find In a Memory Project Kit
/Thought I'd share with you what is inside each kit: information about the project, three kinds of paper on which to write a memory, pens, the number to call if you would like to record a memory, postcards with website information, submission forms (for acknowledgment purposes only, memories will NOT be linked with names), and easy to follow instructions. Kits are located in Mamaroneck at: Mamaroneck Public Library and The Botte Shoppe. In Larchmont you can find them at: The Larchmont Public Library, Palmer Art and Framing, Mamaroneck Artists Guild, Bread and Cocoa, Larchmont Music Academy, Kenise Barnes Fine Art, The Voracious Reader and Peridot Fine Jewelry. For addresses check our submission page: https://www.thememoryproject.space/submit/. If you would like to have a kit at your location, or would like submission materials sent to you with a SASE for they return, please contact me at christine@christineaaron.com.